My Projects

There are a few small and minor projects at my University Level. They were considered as Project Exhibitions 1,2, EPICS. Few of them were listed here: Such as Covid Chatbot using Python, Face Detection, Automated Climate Sensory Unit (ACSU).

  • Lorem
  • Ipsum
  • Dolor

Project-1: Chatbot using Python

This is my first minor project and this is known as Project Exhibition - 1. In the project, we have used Python and AI as our technologies.

Project-2: Facial Recognition

This is my second minor project and this is known as Project Exhibition - 2. Here, This project will help us to detect the facial expressions such as Happy, Sad, Neutral, etc.

Project-3: Automated Climate Sensory Unit (ACSU)

This is known as Community Based Service Project also called as EPICS. This project basically helps in determining the air quality index by choosing any particular location through a google earth interface and for that particular region of the user.

Project-4: Smart Student Management System

Currently, we keep records on paper, but our student information system will be created and put into place to replace them, through a secure and better online user interface that has been applied properly and well. The admin will have direct access to all aspects of a student's academic achievements, student data, notes, and numerous student activities. The college administrator manages the cloud servers where all the data is stored, ensuring the highest level of security.

My Certifications

There are multiple certification courses which were done by me. Many of the authorized online platforms were provided plenty of courses for free during the lockdown period. I utilized the COVID time and invested some time for these valid courses. I am trying to upskill myself and gaining knowledge from the trending and new technologies like Python, Data Science, AI and ML, AWS Cloud Practitioner etc.
Some of them were: Master Course in Data Science, Programming for Everybody (Python), AI and ML, HTML, CSS, JS for Web Developers, AWS Cloud Practitioner Essentials, etc.


    This course covered 5 major topics and important concepts like Data Science with Python, Machine Learning, Deep Learning with Keras and Tensorflow, Tableau and finally Data Science Capstone. Thank You so much for the "Simplilearn".


    This is the course which made me to know and understand from the beginner level to advance level in the Python Programming Language. This course was provided by Michigan University. Thank You so much for the "Coursera".

  • HTML, CSS, JavaScript

    One more interesting and exciting course from the same platform. In this course, The Instructor given his best and explained from beginner level to advanced level and made us to build a restaurent using web development. Thank You so much for the "Coursera".

  • AI Foundations

    The Present and trending technology is AI and ML. I have completed and covered most of the foundations and fundamentals topics and algorithms from this AI and ML technology.I got it from my University for free. Thank You so much "Nasscom Future Skills Prime and Skill Up Online".

  • AWS Cloud

    Easiest methods and simple ways to get understand about the server related concepts is the AWS (Amazon Web Services). Now-a-days, many of the programmers were trying to convert or shifting to the server management like AWS, Google Cloud, etc. Thank You so much "AWS".


    I got an opportunity to do an INTERNSHIP through Online. Allround is the company and Marketing Department was my role. I was very happy working with the Allround and really enjoyed my working during the INTERNSHIP. Thank You so much "Allround" and "VIT".


This is about Myself.
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